Author Archives: admin
The truth behind arm issues.
So the season is off to a flying start and the medal contenders are starting to throw their hats in the ring! There is nothing that a judge, or coach for that matter, likes to see more than a straight … Continue reading
Back pain just needs to be lived with…NOT!
Back pain in riders is far more common than it needs to be…. or than it should be! The term ‘back pain’ refers to any pain in the spine/pelvis or hips. Pain anywhere in the body (but especially back pain) … Continue reading
Do brain injuries happen to riders?
First, let’s get one thing straight. Concussion is a very loosely used term for a brain injury due to the brain hitting the inner walls of the skull. That’s right, a brain injury, “A complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, … Continue reading
The posture you live in is the posture you ride in!
I am going to start with the basics and would like to mention one important fact: “The posture you live in is the posture you will ride in’. This means that if you habitually slouch at your desk, lean on one … Continue reading